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9 Best Hair and Scalp Sunscreen Sprays

Hair and Scalp sunscreen sprays are one of the best ways to protect your hair from the sun. Sunscreen, while always important, has had a bit of a revival in the past few years with...

How to Get 90s Supermodel Hair

90s supermodel hair (just like almost everything beauty and fashion-wise from the 90s) is in. Luckily this is a hairstyle that looks good on everyone AND is easy to achieve.    90s supermodel hair is...

How Much Shampoo Should I Use?

Since shampoo is for your scalp, the length of your hair doesn’t matter, but your hair’s thickness does. For fine hair, you’ll want to use a teaspoon of shampoo. For thick hair, you’ll want to use a tablespoon. For medium hair, you’ll want to use something in the middle, so about two teaspoons.

11 Different Types of Hair Brushes and Their Uses

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How to Get Glass Hair, Step by Step (and the Best Serums for Glass Hair Shine)

Glass hair followed behind the K-beauty glass skin trend to become one of the most popular hair trends of the past few years. Recently it’s also been termed “liquid hair” and the term “liquid brunette” has been trending as a way to get a Hailey Bieber-esque combination of shiny hair and layered highlights.


How to Use a Hair Mask

There’s nothing more indulgent for your hair than a hair mask. If you don’t know how to use a hair mask, you’ll be glad to know that they’re easy to use and can give you quick results for smoother, more hydrated, and healthier hair.


Native Shampoo Review (Is it Worth the Hype?)

I have never used one of Native’s infamous deodorants so it may seem a little strange that I was so interested in in doing a Native Shampoo Review, but I was really intrigued when I saw these in Target. I was especially interested in this claim on the packaging: “Thoughtfully made with 10 ingredients or less.” Could such a simplified formula also work well?

Haircare Routine for Damaged Hair (How to Get Healthy Hair Again!)

If you’re struggling with split ends, hair that’s dull and lacking shine, or hair that is bleached and thinning, don’t worry! All you need is a haircare routine for damaged hair to get you back to healthy hair that is full of shine and length and bounce.

Hair Tools and Hair Product Organization (This is a LIFE SAVER!)

I love to organize, but hair product organization was something I avoided for a long time. I think this often happens when we have an organizing solution that works well some of the time but not all of the time, as happened to me. But it’s also the case the my hair product collection has been growing and outgrowing its storage! I was tired of the bathroom looking like a mess all the time so I put some research into how I could store my beauty products.